miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

Uriji Jami - the network to build your future, por James-Olivier Aschehoug | Kickstarter

Fuente: Kickstarter
The origins of Uriji Jami take us back to the eighties, in the heart of the Venezuelan rain forest. In a conversation between a father, Rodolphe Clauteaux, and a son, Jean, the desire is expressed to set-up a network of men and women of goodwill, a network both supportive and professional, full of humanity and interaction. The idea remained in the son’s heart, who thirty years later, after a rich professional experience as the CEO of a multinational company, decided to make it happen.

Founded in 2015 by Jean Clauteaux and James Aschehoug, Uriji Jami is today the first social network to introduce intrinsically a new temporal aspect in interactions between people: the future. By linking the past with the future via the present, Uriji Jami gives to the future the same importance as the past and the present. The future becomes a positive aspect of the social network and an integral part of the interactions that will follow.

Uriji Jami is born from a frustration: the way social networks currently work does not allow someone to achieve their potential. Starting from its original vision that ‘life is our main asset’, Uriji Jami places life, our most precious possession, at the centre of all interactions. Life is a capital. And as any capital, you must try to make it grow. Growing it by developing everyone’s potential via the creation of a quality social network, made up of people of goodwill, users with a particular mind-set who engage right from the start, to share their dreams and experiences, to make their interactions a reality in order to fulfil their potential.

How can we share our dreams and stories? By using a digital tool, an iOS application, that uses an algorithm taking into account users’ dreams and stories. Each time you connect to the Uriji Jami app, the algorithm is enriched with every user’s contributions, thus, the results are never the same. What is actually new in these interactions is the introduction of the financial aspect: if desired, the user has the possibility to monetize his expertise. Although, we can always share our experience for free, giving users the opportunity to have some financial compensation may enhance the potential of interactions by providing them credibility, recognizing their value and establishing a relationship of equals between the parties. Some people may well feel more at ease if, to complete their project, they have the possibility to 'buy' someone else’s experience.

Our past is linked to experiences that occurred in a specific geographical context, in the future Uriji Jami, wishes to bring a spatial and contextual dimension into the timeline of each user profile. Hence, integrating space in our timeline will be essential to capture the complexity of the user and to assess accurately his potential.

Highlighting the potential of the human being is the essence of Uriji Jami.

You can read the full story here.

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